Information 2/23-3/3)

22 Feb by Michael Hobbs


We hope everyone had a great break and is ready to come back and get to work! We have multiple training sessions coming up this week. Take advantage of every opportunity to get better.

7v7- We have a 7v7 practice on Saturday and we have games on Sunday. We will wear gold shorts and brown shirts. Our 7v7 gear will be here soon and then we will begin wearing that gear. Games will last about an hour and a half to two hours. We will play multiple teams. Make sure you attend Saturdays practice so we know if you will be going on Sunday. Let Coach Hobbs know if you have any issues.

Filmer: We are looking for someone to film our 7v7 games. Please let Coach Hobbs know if you are interested.

Grades: Progress reports go out Monday. We are here to help! Take advantage of tutoring opportunities with your teachers, in the library after school, and with gear up. If you are having issues, make sure you come speak with us.

Touchdown Tuesday! QBs and Receivers. We will be on the field from 7:00am-8:00am. Wear athletic gear and your cleats if you have them.

Schedule 2/23-3/1

Friday 2/23/24
12:00-1:00 QB Workout on the field

Saturday 2/24/24
8:00-10:00am 7v7 Practice

Sunday 2/25/24
7v7 @ LCC
Gold shorts, brown top (I will bring some extra sets)
9:00am Arrive at LCC
10:00am Games begin

Monday 2/26/24
7-8am Weight room
3:30-3:45 Tennis ball drills
3:45-5:00 Weight room
3:30-4:10 QB meeting in the Weight room

Tuesday 2/27/24
7-8am Touchdown Tuesday QB,RB,WR on the field
7-8am Weight room
4:00-5:00 Weight room. I have a staff meeting and will open it up after.

Wednesday 2/28/24
7-8am Weight room
3-4:30 Weight room

Thursday 2/29/24
7-8am Entire program workout. Get here! Breakfast provided after the workout.
3:30-4:10 QB’s on the field
4:15-5:15 Weight room

Friday 3/1/24
7-8am Weight room
No weight room after school.

Sunday 3/3/24
7v7 at San Pasqual
10:00am Arrive at San Pasqual
11:00am Games Start

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